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300 Water Nymphs


    Aba – a nymph of springs, wells or fountains in the town of Ergiske in Kikonia

    Abarbarea – a Naiad nymph, daughter of the river god Aesepus

    Acaste – a water nymph and one of the Oceanids

    Acheloides – a nymph of the Achelous river

    Actaea – the most beautiful of the Naiads

    Admete – Oceanid, a companion of Persephone

    Adrasteia – a water nymph, charged by Rhea with nurturing the infant Zeus

    Aegaeides – Aegaeus river on the island of Scheria

    Aegina – a water nymph of the island Aegina

    Aegle – a nymph, daughter of Panopeus, beloved by Theseus

    Aesepides – a nymph of the Aesepus river in Anatolia

    Aethra – a nymph and one of the Oceanids

    Aganippe – a Naiad of the fountain Aganippe

    Aia – a nymph of the streams of the scenic village of Aia, Spain

    Albunea – water nymph in Roman mythology

    Alcinoe – a Naiad, and one of the nymphs of Mount Lykaios, Arkadia

    Alexirhoe – daughter of the river god Grenikos

    Alseids – nymphs living in the springs of rivers flowing seawards

    Amaltheia – a goat-tending water nymph, daughter of Oceanus

    Amathia – a Nereid sea nymph, helpful towards sailors fighting perilous storms

    Amnisiades – a nymph of the Amnisos river on the island of Crete

    Amphinome – a of the sea’s bounty, literally “she of the surrounding pasture”

    Amphiro – an Oceanid nymph indicated as “the surrounding flow”

    Amphithoe – a Nereid sea nymph addressed as “she who moves swiftly around”

    Amphitrite – a Nereid sea nymph, consort of Poseidon respected as “the third element”

    Amymone – a Naiad nymph of the spring of Amymone at Lerna, Argolis

    Anchirhoe – a Naiad nymph, daughter of the river-god Nilus

    Anigrides – a nymph of the Anigros river in Elis

    Anigrides – nymphs and daughters of the river god Anigros

    Anippe – a Naiad Nymph of the River Nile in Egypt

    Annaed – a Naiad water nymph respected for her great beauty and grace

    Anthedon – a Naiad Nymph of the well or fountain of Anthedon, Boiotia

    Anthracia – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus

    Appias – a nymph in Roman mythology

    Apseudes – a sea nymph, one of the Nereids

    Archidemia – a naiad belonging to the Pegaeae family and from the spring Archidemia

    Arethusa – a nereid nymph who became a fountain

    Argia – daughter of Oceanus and a water nymph of the Tiber River in Rome

    Argyra – a nymph residing in a well in Achaia, southern Greece

    Asia – nymph of the Asian region sister to Europa

    Asopides – a nymph of the Asopus river in Sicyonia and Boeotia

    Asopis – a nymph of the springs and stream of Metope near Stymphalos, Arkadia

    Astakides – nymphs of Lake Astakos, Bithynia

    Asterionides – a nymph of the Asterion river

    Asterodia – the Naiad nymph of a gold-bearing stream of the Kaukasos mountains

    Autonoe – a nymph of the River Nile and daughter of the Naiad nymph Polyxo

    Bateia – a Naiad nymph who married King Oebalus of Sparta

    Beroe – an Oceanid Nymph of the city of Beruit in Phoenicia (Lebanon)

    Bistonis – a nymph in Greek mythology who gave birth to a son of Ares, god of war

    Bolbe – a nymph of lake Thessalian

    Byze – one of the Erasinides, nymphs of the Erasinos River in Argos

    Byzia – a naiad said to have raised Byzas founder of Byzantium

    Caliadne – a naiad nymph of the river Nile and a daughter of the river-god Nilus

    Callianassa – a Nereid sea nymph and daughter of Nereus and Doris

    Callianira – one of the Nereids, sea-nymphs in Greek mythology

    Calliphaea – one of the three Ionides nymphs, a sisterhood of water nymphs

    Callirrhoe – a naiad sea nymph and the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys

    Calypso – a nymph in Greek mythology, who lived on the island of Ogygia

    Camarina – an Oceanid nymph presiding over a fountain in Kamarina, Sicily

    Capheira – an Oceanid nymph of the island of Rhodes, caring for the storm-clouds

    Carian Naiades – Naiad nymphs of the springs and rivers of Karia, Anatolia

    Castalia – a nymph transformed by Apollo into a fountain at Delphi

    Cerceis – an Oceanid nymph, one of the 6000 daughters of Oceanus

    Ceto – an Indian Oceanid Naiad nymph loved by the sun-god Helios

    Chalcis – a Naiad nymph of a fresh-water spring of Khalkis on the island of Euboia

    Charybdis – once a beautiful Naiad, converted into a sea monster and perilous whirlpool

    Chryseis – one of the Oceanids, daughters of Oceanus and Tethys

    Cleochareia – a Naiad, a river nymph, married to King Lelex of Laconia

    Cleodora – a prophetic nymph of Mount Parnassos who divined by throwing pebbles

    Cleone – a Naiad of the fountain of Kleonai and daughter of the river-god Asopos

    Clio – a nymph and daughter of Oceanus not to be confused with the muse Clio

    Clymene – a Nereid nymph, daughter of Nereus and Doris and wife of Iapetus

    Clytia – a water nymph, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and beloved of Apollo

    Comaetho – a nymph who mingles her spring waters with those of the river god Cydnus

    Corcyra – nymph and daughter of the Asopos river and Metope, beloved of Poseidon

    Corycians – Naiad nymphs residing in the Corycian Cave of Mount Parnassos

    Cranto – a Nereid sea nymph, one of the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris

    Creneis – a beautiful Nereid nymph who played with dolphins

    Creusa – a Naiad nymph and daughter of Gaia. Jason divorced Medea to marry Creusa

    Crinaeae – a group of Naiad nymphs associated with fountains or wells

    Crocale – one of the younger Oceanids attendants of Artemis

    Cyane – a Naiad nymph who failed to protect Persephone, her playmate against Hades

    Cydippe – a Nereid sea nymph with whom Aristaeus had a failed love affair

    Cydnides – a nymph of the river Cydnus in Cilicia

    Cymatolege – a Haliad nymph, daughter of Poseidon and wife of storm-giant Briareos

    Cymo – a Nereid nymph associated with the crabs of the sea

    Cymodoce – a sea nymph and companion of Venus.

    Cymothoe – a Nereid nymph who enjoyed the running waves

    Cyrtonians – a group residing in the springs of the town Cyrtones in Boeotia

    Daira – a nymph and mother of Eleusis by Hermes

    Daphne – a Naiad nymph of the river Peneios in Thessalia, transformed into a laurel tree

    Deiopea – a sea nymph Juno promised as wife to Aeolus if he would unleash his winds

    Deliades – daughters of Inopus god of the river Inopus on the island of Delos

    Dero – a Nereid sea nymph, born of Nereus and Doris

    Dexamene – a sea nymph and receiver of prayer and sacrifice

    Diogeneia – the Naiad nymph of a fountain of the city of Athens in Attika

    Dione – a water nymph, daughter of Atlas and the wife of the Lydian king Tantalos

    Diopatra – a Naiad Nymph of a spring of the river Sperkheios on Mount Othrys

    Dirce – a God transformed into a spring Naiad nymph of the town of Thebes in Boiotia

    Dodone – an Oceanid Nymph of the town and oracular shrine of Dodona in Thesprotia

    Doris – a nymph and wife of the sea god Nereus, the mother of the Nereides

    Doto – the Nereid of granting safe voyage or generous catch. Her shrine was in Gabala.

    Drosera – a naiad. She was one of the three ancestors of the Tyrians

    Drymo – a sea nymph, one of the attendants of queen Cyrene

    Dynamene – a Nereid, who, with her sister Pherusa, controlled the great ocean swells

    Echenais – a Naiad nymph who blinded Daphnis to the love of other women

    Eidyia – an Oceanid nymph and wife of Aeetes, the mother of Medea

    Eione – a Nereid nymph of the beach, said to have helped castaways

    Electra – a water nymph and wife of Thaumas mother of Iris Arke and the Harpies

    Eleionomae – a group of nymphs of the marshes who misled travelers with illusions

    Ephyra – a fresh-water Naiad of the water supply in the town of Corinth

    Erasinides – a group of four Naiads nymph of the Erasinos river in Argos

    Euagoreis – an Oceanid nymph resigned to be older than the other nymphs

    Euboea – a Naiad, daughter of the Boeotian river-god Asopus, abducted by Poseidon

    Eucrante – a Nereid nymph responsible for successful voyages or fishing

    Eudore – a Nereid sea nymph born of the union between Nereus and Doris

    Eudora – the Nereid representing the fine gifts of the sea

    Eulimene – a sea nymph who ensured good harborage for sailors

    Eumolpe – a Nereid sea nymph, a fine singer and attendant upon Neptune

    Euneica – a nymph dwelling in the spring of Pegae near the lake Askanios in Bithynia

    Eunice – a sea nymph whose name means ‘good victory’

    Eupompe – a sea nymph responsible for assisting and protecting sea goers

    Europa – a sea nymph after whom Europe is named, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys

    Eurynome – an Oceanid sea nymph represented by the statue of a mermaid

    Evagore – a nereid nymph assigned with the duty of assembling other nymphs

    Evarne – one of the Nereides, the ‘well-lambed’, caring for Poseidon

    Galatea – a Sicilian nereid in love with Acis, her name indicates ‘she who is milk-white’

    Galaxaure – a sea nymph and one of the three daughters of Oceanus and Thetys

    Galene – a Nereid sea nymph and personification of the calm sea

    Gargaphie – a Naiad nymph and one of the daughters of the river god Asopus

    Glauce – the Nereid sea nymph of the ‘blue-grey’ waters who nursed the infant Zeus

    Glauconome – a Nereid who achieved ‘mastery over the grey’ sea

    Granicus – a group of nymphs of rivers and streams in Grenikos, Anatolia

    Hagno – a Naiad nymph of a spring on Mount Lykaios, Arkadia and wet-nurse to Zeus

    Halie – the Nereid nymph reponsible for seawater saturated and impregnated with salt

    Halimede – The Nereid nymph of the bright garland, personified by the crab

    Harpina – a Naiad nymph and daughter of Phliasian Asopus and of Metope

    Heliades – daughters of Helios and Clymene the Oceanid, nymphs of the river Eridanos

    Hesione – an Oceanid nymph and wife of Prometheus

    Himerians – nymphs of the local springs at the town of Himera, Sicily

    Hippo – an Oceanid nymph of streams or breezes – often likened to horses

    Hipponoe – a Nereid nymph who knows about horses, that is, of the waves

    Hippothoe – the Nereid of "the swift horses," that is, swift waves

    Hyale – a nymph and one of the younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis

    Hydaspes – a Naiad nymph of the Hydaspides river, Pakistan

    Hyperia – a Naiad nymph daughter of the river Inachus in southern Greece

    Iaera – a sea nymph of the Mediterranean – the name Iaera means ‘nymph’

    Iakhe – an Oceanid nymph and the ritual cry of joy in Eleusinian Mysteries

    Ianassa – a powerful protectress and one of the Nereid sea nymphs

    Ianeira – an Oceanid sea nymph, revered as goddess of the Ionian tribe of Greeks

    Ianthe – nymph of violet rain clouds and partner of Persephone goddess of spring

    Iasis – a healer and Ionid nymph of the river Cytherus in Elis

    Idaea – a nymph of springs in Mount Ida, Anatolia, wife of the river god Scamander

    Inachides – nymphs and daughters of King of Argos who became the river god Inachus

    Io – a river nymph loved by the god Zeus who transformed her into a white female calf

    Ionides – nymphs of springs in the river Cytherus believed to cure aches and pains

    Iphianassa – a Nereid nymph who gave birth to a son Aetolus, who slew Apis

    Ismene – a Naiad by the river-god Asopus who gave her name to blue berries at Thebes

    Ithacians – residing in local springs and caves on island of Ithaca

    Ithome – a water nymph from the Messenian hill who nursed and bathed the infant Zeus

    Ladonides – nymphs of river Ladon who turned their sister Syrinx into reeds to flee Pan

    Langia – a Naiad nymph of the fresh-water springs of the town of Nemea in Argolis

    Laomedeia – a Nereid sea nymph after whom one of the moons of Jupiter was named

    Lara – a Naiad nymph famous for both her beauty and the inability of keeping secrets

    Leiagore – a Nereid sea nymph well known for of speaking to people

    Leibethrides – nymphs of springs on mounts Helikon and Libethrios, judges of music

    Lethe – nymph of Ameles potamos, the river of unmindfulness in Hades

    Leucippe – an Oceanid who was with Persephone when she was kidnapped by Hades

    Leucothoe – the ancient white goddess of the sea, transformed and recognized as nymph

    Libethrides – Naiads and judges of musical contests between the Muses and Pierides

    Ligeia – A siren and sea nymph in Greek and Roman mythology revered in poetry

    Lilaea – a Naiad of a spring of the same name, daughter of the river god Cephissus

    Limnades – a type of Naiad living in freshwater lakes, born from river or lake gods

    Limnaee – daughter of Indian river god Ganges who kept beneath its crystal waters

    Limnoria – a Nereid sea nymph after whom a small marine crustacean is named

    Liriope – a Boeotian naiad, who gave birth to Narcissus by the the river-god Cephissus

    Lycorias – a yellow-haired Nereid nymph, born to the sea gods Nereus and Doris

    Lysianassa – the sea nymph of royal delivery after whom some crustaceans are named

    Lysithea – an Oceanid sea nymph after whom one of the moons of Jupiter is named

    Maera – a nereid nymph associated with the dog-star Seirios to bring midsummer heat

    Magea – a Naiad nymph, daughter of river god Potamos keeping to the spring of Magea

    Malis – a nymph dwelling in the spring of Pegae near lake Askanios in Bithynia

    Melaina – a Naiad of the sacred springs of the Corycian cave of Mount Parnassus

    Melia – an Oceanid nymph of the Ismenian spring of Thebes, loved by the god Apollon

    Meliboea – a sea nymph beloved by the river-god Orontes who flooded the Syrian plain.

    Melite – a Naiad nymph of Mount Melite, closely linked to the honey nymphe Makris

    Melobosis – a sea nymph who as an Epimelid nymph cares for pastures and fruit trees

    Memphis – a Naiad nymph of the well or fountain of the Egyptian city of Memphis

    Menestho – an Oceanid nymph of full flowing streams and strongly blowing breezes

    Menippe – a Naiad nymph of river Peneus whose son Phrastor was king of Tyrrhenia

    Messeis – Naiad nymph of an Argive spring and daughter of the River Inachus

    Metis – a nymph and goddess of wisdom, first spouse of Zeus

    Metope – a nymph of the springs and stream of Metope near the town of Stymphalos

    Milichie – a Naiad nymph of springs and wells on Italian islands and Sicily

    Minthe – a Naiad associated with river Cocytus and dazzled by Hades’ golden chariot

    Moria – a Naiad of river Hermos who revived her brother Tylos, slain by a dragon

    Myrtoessa – a Naiad nymph of a well in the town of Megalopolis in Arkadia

    Mysians – nymphs dwelling in the spring of Pegae near lake Askanios, Bithynia

    Naiads – nymphs presiding over fountains wells springs streams and brooks

    Nana – a Naiad nymph of the river Sangarius, accidentally impregnated by an almond.

    Nausithoe – a Nereid sea nymph who cause ships to sail swiftly

    Neaera – a sea nymph of the mythical island Thrinakia, beloved by the sun-god Helios

    Neda – an Oceanid nymph of river Nedain in Arkadia who helped nurse the infant Zeus

    Nemea – a Naiad nymph of springs of Nemea and daughter of the river-god Asopos

    Nemertes – a sea nymph after whom a ribbon worm is named, born of Nereus and Doris

    Neomeris – a Nereid sea nymph after whom the White-stem sausage seaweed is named

    Nephele – a sea nymph of clouds who sent the golden-fleeced ram to save her children

    Nereids – sea nymphs, godesses and beautiful maidens shown with dolphins or fish

    Nesaea – a sea nymph who sold her soul to a great magician for greater beauty

    Neso – a sea nymph who gave her name to one of the moons of the planet Neptune

    Nicaea – a Naiad nymph and daughter of the river-god Sangarius and Cybele

    Nomia – a Naiad who loved Daphnis and after whom the Nomian Mountains are named

    Nycheia – dwelling in the spring of Pegae near the lake Askanios in Bithynia

    Ceos nymphs – Naiad nymphs, children of Melia at the fountains of the island Ceos

    Oceanids – nymphs and patronesses of the seas, springs rivers lakes ponds or pastures

    Ocyrrhoe – a prophetic river nymph and daughter of the centaur Chiron

    Oeroe – a water nymph, daughter of river Asopos who gave her name to the river Oeroe

    Oinoe – a Naiad nymph on the island of Sicinus after whom oinos or ‘wine’ is named

    Ornea – a Naiad nymph of the spring or well of the town of Orneai in Sikyonia

    Orseis – nymph of a spring in Thessalia, and the mythical ancestor of the Greeks

    Ortygia – a Naiad of the Ortygian grove at Ephesos who nursed the infant god Apollon

    Ozomene – Another name for Elektra, the mother of the rainbow and the storm-wind

    Pactolides – Naiad nymphs born of the river Paktolos in Anatolia

    Pallas – a nymph of Lake Tritonis in Libya and a daughters of Triton, a Libyan sea-god

    Panopeia – a Nereid nymph of the sea’s broad panorama, linked to the sighting of land

    Pasithea – A Nereid nymph of good cheer and one of the three graces

    Pasithoe – a sea nymph whose name as ‘swiftly’ is given to a far-away planet

    Pegaeae – a group of naiad nymphs of the springs, daughters of the river gods Potamoi

    Pegasis – a Naiad nymph with bright hair, daugter of the spring of the River Grenicus

    Peirene – a Naiad nymph whose tears became a fountain at the gates of Corinth

    Periboea – an Oceanid nymph and the mother of Aura, goddess of the breeze

    Perseis – a sea nymph whose name means ‘to destroy’ and loved by the sun-god Helios

    Petraea – an Oceanid sea nymph of the rocks, well respected by sailors

    Phaino – an Oceanid nymph personified as appearing or shining of bright clouds

    Pharmaceia – a nymph of a well with poisonous powers, near the river Ilissus, in Attica

    Phaseides – Naiad nymphs of marshes and streams of the river Phasis on the Black Sea

    Pherusa – a Nereid nymph who, as ‘she who carries,’ has power of great ocean swells

    Phiale – a young Oceanid and attendant of Artemis who offers comfort as ‘water bowl’

    Philodice – a Naiad nymph daughter of the river Inachus, the wife of a Messenian king

    Philyra – an Oceanid nymph, goddess of perfume and writing who began paper making

    Phrixa – personified as water ripples and one of the nymphs of Mount Lycaeus, Arkadia

    Phyllodoce – A sea-nymph whose name is given to pink mountain heather of Canada

    Pitane – Naiad nymph of the spring of the town of Pitane beloved by the god Poseidon

    Plataia – a fresh-water nymph and one of the daughters of the river god Asopus

    Pleione – an Oceanid nymph of Mount Cyllene who increased the number of animals

    Plexaure – an Oceanid nymph of the ‘weaving breeze’  and linked to the wind nymphs

    Plouto – a nymph born from Oceanus and Tethys and mother of Tantalus by Zeus

    Polydora – a shapely Oceanid nymph who brings many gifts

    Polynome – a Nereid sea nymph keeping to caverns and giving grazing to many animals

    Polyphe – an Oceanid nymph given to clear thinking and mother of Athena by Poseidon

    Polyxo – a Naiad nymph of the River Nile and one of the many wives of Prince Danaus

    Pontomedusa – a Nereid sea nymph also known as the sea queen

    Pontoporeia – a nymph of the Mediterranean sea born of Nereius and Doris

    Potameides – nymphs of rivers who generally carry the name of the river they inhabit

    Poulunoe – a Nereid sea nymph known for her acumen and richness of thought

    Praxithea – the Naiad nymph of a spring in Athens known for her business skill

    Pronoe – a naiad of a river in Lycia who told Caunus his sister Byblis had killed herself

    Pronoia – an Oceanid nymph, the goddess of foresight and wife of Prometheus

    Prosymna –nymph and daughter of the river-god Asterion known to celebrate in song

    Proto – a sea nymph and daughter of Nereus and Doris

    Protomedeia a beautiful sea nymph known for her friendly and kind nature

    Prymno – an Oceanid nymph known for fair wind who gave her name to a large asteroid

    Psamathe – a Nereid nymph and goddess of sand beaches, also wife of Proteus

    Psanis – a Naiad nymph of a local spring in Arcadia and wife of the river Ladon

    Psekas – one of the younger Oceanids, companion to Artemis known for rain-showers

    Rhanis – one of the younger Oceanids, attendants of Artemis

    Rhodope – water nymph of Ciconia, daughter of river Hebros playmate of Persephone

    Rhyndacides – nymphs and daughters of the river god Rhyndacus

    Sabrina – a nymph giving her name to the river Severn when she drowned in it

    Salamis a nymph of the fountain of Salamis carrying the ornament for a ship’s bow

    Salmacis – a nymph of a spring who merged with the handsome youth Hermaphroditos

    Sao – a Nereid sea nymph of safe passage to the rescue of sailors

    Sinope – Naiad nymph of the main fountain or spring of the Greek colony of Sinope

    Sithnides – group of nymphs at a fountain in Megara in southern Greece

    Sparta – the nymph of a spring of Sparta in Lacedaemonia and wife of king Lakedaimon

    Speio – a blue haired sea nymph who resided to a cave

    Spercheides – Naiad nymphs of river Spercheus who changed into water poplars

    Stilbo – a water nymph, daughter of the river god Peneus and the Naiad Creusa

    Strophia – a nymph of the spring on Mount Cithaeron holding pebbles in her hands

    Strymo – the Naiad nymph of a spring of the city of Troy and wife of king Laomedon

    Styx – and Oceanid nymph of the river Styx that flowed around Hades

    Synallaxis – a nymph of the cave of Kalliafeia after whom a genus of birds is named

    Tanagra – a nymph of a spring in Tanagra who was loved by the gods Hermes and Ares.

    Telesto – an Oceanid and nymph of the cools springs, also a moon of Saturn

    Telphousa – nymph from a spring of fetid and unsafe water on mount Tilphousios

    Temenitis – the water nymph of a territory in Syracuse from which Archimedes came

    Thaleia – a Nereid sand nymph who gave birth to the twin gods of Sicilian geysers

    Thebe – a Naiad nymph of a fountain of Thebes and daughter of the river-god Asopos

    Theisoa – one of the nymphs that nursed infant Zeus

    Themisto – a Nereid nymph who died when she killed her twin sons by accident

    Thespeia – a Naiad nymph of the spring Thespiae and daughter of the river-god Asopos

    Thessalides – Naiad nymphs of the Peneus river in Thessaly, northern  Greece

    Thetis – A Nereid sea nymph and mother of the Trojan war hero Achilles

    Thoe – a swift or fleeting Oceanid water nymph associated with clouds and air

    Thronia – a Naiad nymph of the spring Abdera, which was founded by her son Abderos

    Tiasa – a Naiad nymph of the stream Tiasa and daughter of the river-god Eurotas

    Tritonis – a blue-eyed Haliad nymph of the salt-water lake in Libya

    Tyche – a water nymph and goddess of good fortune and providence

    Xanthe – an Oceanid water nymph of the golden clouds of sunsets and sunrises

    Xantho – the golden-haired sea nymph who helped spinning the fleeces of Miletus

    Zeuxippe – a Naiad nymph of the Eridanos stream of Athens, wife of king Pandion

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